I'm Drowning

Today's been rough. I feel like i'm in a quicksand. School's been harsh. I feel like I've grown my roots slowly by slowly. Until in one quick motion, I came crumbling. Again.

I thought I've set my foot at school. You get to know people, you know the provisions of the law...until you don't, really. I'm back with all my insecurities. Imagine having that confidence that you will last, and then suddenly, you don't because for some reason, school does not think I am capable of achieving what I have been saying. Recitation is bad as it is. Quizzes are just as bad, if not more. I know. It's my fault. I gave in to laziness. 

I am a people pleaser. I am an achiever. If something happens that does not conform to what I am expected to do, my emotions run havoc. So tonight, I cried. I cried not because of what others thought of me, nor because of what is expected from me. I cried because no matter what I do, I feel like I AM NOT ENOUGH. AM I ENOUGH?

Time, please do tell.


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