Pottermore is Currently Unvailable
Pottermore is currently unavailable (again). I read it in Pottermore Insider that they are making updates to the site. I’m guessing that they have gathered enough feedbacks from the beta users that they are now trying to modify some of their pages and “make Pottermore the best experience it can be…” They said there that they are “taking the site down for a few days.” How long would that few days be? Ravens must catch up with the Snakes! :P
If I’m not a beta user, I’d be really mad right now. Well, they decided to “extend the Beta period” and no date whatsoever as to when the site will be exactly open to all. That sucks. I was kind of excited to meet the ickle firsties.
I’m just hoping that they will make the site more attractive and please JK, put some music. I hope they will put mini games too. That’d be cool. See Pottermore Insider for more information about the latest in Pottermore.
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