Life at GK Medsa
Life is somewhat boxed and structuralize for me. I knew that even in our driest days, my father could support us, he will find a way at least. I am lucky, so darn lucky.
Theo immersion was an opportunity to us all to be reminded of how other people are working their butts off to make a living for their family. To give help to those who are in need of them and to be able to give grace to our current living, these are just some of the objectives of the “Pagtataya” we had for the past three weeks.
The first day was a total disaster. I personally wasn’t happy about it. First because I felt how unprepared the SICO volunteers were. No offense but they did not let us command on the things we ought to do. We were torn between profiling the community first or to take some action to help the youth right away. We don’t even know where the Medsa community stops. As a result, we ended up profiling the other community as well. The orientation that was held before that was of no help. We just learned there that the youth don’t stay much on their houses because of the lack of electricity. They are even knowledgeable on basic computer things. How are we able to teach and approach them with these circumstances?
But we had to do something. I was absent the second week. The third week was a bit nice since I get the chance to paint a house. It was tiring, I know. But the fun part there was being able to see a newly painted house you knew you helped build.
From the data we gathered, we’ve known that the youth there had no manners. Well, most of them. As we we’re having our break, one group of teenage girls passed us by, shrieking with laughter. I was scandalized as they also wore short shorts. Guess I was just too conservative, my apologies.
My heart goes to those who are in need and yet remain humble. The family of Marjun for instance was my favorite. That kid is mentally challenged but you can see, even in their little home, they still treat their current status as a blessing.
I felt sorry to those families who were disturbed by the rugby boys and the gangs in that area. They deserve nothing but peace and order. I was also discouraged by what that Joel guy told us. He said that the last batch was better than us because they were able to paint 4 houses (compared to us who only painted one house). I was so energetic in painting that house but after he said those words, my spirit just died. He took me away from my momentum and I felt sick.
At first, I was in a state of lividness with the way they live but then I realized how my actions were beyond reproach. They are my brothers and sisters. And though little positive things were written here, I still want to stretch out that it was a fun and productive things were achieved.
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