"I had a great day!"

I had a great day! It all started when Ching asked us-Macoi and me-to accompany her to Chack’s house. I was kind of hesitant at first since the place was a bit far and we’re going to ride a motorcycle. A MOTORCYCLE! --->I’m not really a big fan of motorcycles since I don’t see them as a safe way to travel. But since Ching was really pushing me to join their pre-planned activity, I decided to join. To hell with my fear! :P

At around 10 in the morning, we were halfway there. We didn’t really stayed long since Chack was about to go to the city. So after having lunch and bidding our goodbyes, Ching, the ever adventurous Ching, just decided that we needed to go to this mountain top. I was shouting the whole journey since the cliffs were REALLY scary. But as I saw the scenery, my mind just said: it was all worth it. The place was really magical. It’s like the closest place that you can have to heaven. :D

Top view
Macoi and Ching :)

Thanks for the fun day guys! :D


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