Bring the Bang!

As 2013 is just a few days away, I promise to be good; I will move on from the bad habits that I accidentally did this past year; to get a trainer so that I won’t easily feel tired; I will wake up early so as not to be late; learn the south beach diet (ooops, I think steroids is what I need), and I think I will change. Yes, that I will all do. Really? Yes, half of it; or maybe I’ll start with my diet. What do you think? No? Never.

People generally have this in our so-called New Year’s Resolution. Do we ever learn? The right question for this is: Do we ever, I mean EVER, follow this resolution that we constantly and so dedicatedly make? Yes, 2013 is a good start. But do we need that? A new year to change? Hmm. The more that we delay the “change,” the more time we waste doing the same old, nasty, and smelly habits.

Old. How do you define New Year’s Resolution? For me, it is a set of promises (that some idiotic invented a long time ago) that people do ever year. And it changes every year, mind you. But people suddenly realized that, hey, I can do this every year, the diet that I did last year will be different this next year. I did Dr. Hay diet the year before, this time, I will try the South Beach Diet. Yeah, right. The essence of a resolution (in my opinion) done every start of the year is to do the things you did not do in the previous one. Or perhaps to avoid the bad habits that you have done, whatever view you have. It fits.

Nasty. A recycled resolution will develop a different kind of germ or virus – if you want it to be that way. And eventually, it will mutate into some horrible specie which I will call enviable visualization to annual slothfulness and immense occasion on narcissism or EVASION. Yep. And then we’ll have an excuse to do it all again the next year. I wonder what’s harder: identifying a new resolution (because you finally realized you cannot do them) or recycling the old ones.

Smelly. Well, mostly recycled stuffs smell – like socks. If you do not wash them often, the grimes will infiltrate in all the layers of the fabric. Yes, that too will squash all the good stuffs of a particular thing if you keep on recycling them. After realizing that, you begin to think that there’s no way you will and can do it because you have become immune with that resolution, so to speak. Brandishing it over in all social networking sites won’t help. How many of us have heard the I’m gonna move on, we’re never going back together (isn’t that a song already?) and the ever popular, I’ll start to eat properly to a thinner, bolder, new me – GUILTY!

This year, my new year’s resolution (and the only one I have allowed) is about my longing to get fit (I am underweight). I don’t remember much if it has been my resolution ever since and if I did, give me some leniency here (*laughs)—as trying to get fit is extremely difficult. I did add a few pounds but after working for almost a year, I find myself staring at the weighing scale with horror. I’m officially back to my old weight. Boooo!

Now let’s all be merry and lively. Let’s welcome the year of the Water Snake with a loud bang. Have a Merry New Year! :)


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